34 East Second Street
Ashland, Ohio 44805
Monday - Friday: 8am - 5pm
Saturday: 9am - 12pm
Call Today: 1-800-531-2988
Denbow and Gasche Funeral Home & Crematory Ashland
Eastman Funeral Homes Greenwich, New London
Fickes Funeral Home
Matteson Funeral Home West Salem Ohio
McIntire, Bradham and Sleek Funeral Home Wooster
Michael Hauck
Murray Funeral Homes Creston & Fredericksburg
Norton Eastman Funeral Home
Parker & Son Funeral Homes
Philip Sherman
Penwell & Turner Funeral Home
Memorial Etchings
Adjustable Memorial Flower Saddles
Bronze Plaques
Cemetery Benches
Children Memorials
Cremation Memorials
Companion Memorials
Cremation Urns
Family Memorials and Markers
Landscaping Benches
Matching Government Veterans Memorials
Memorial Vase Insert
Pet Markers
Pre-need Memorials
Single Memorial
Tree Markers
War Memorials
Bricks & Pavers & Sandblasting
Cement Foundations
Cemetery Lettering
Cemetery Restoration
Custom Artwork by Staff Artist
Custom Memorial Design
Custom Sandblasting
Engraving Final Dates, verses, etc.
Field Rock Engraving
Memorial Cleaning
Repair Work
Sandblasting of Bricks and Pavers
Sandblasting on & off site
Photo Gallery
Contact Us
Pet Markers
Your pet is like a member of your family. If your wish is to keep their ashes near, you can use a cremation urn. Urns can be lettered with pet names and dates and can also have their
placed on it.