34 East Second Street
Ashland, Ohio 44805
Monday - Friday: 8am - 5pm
Saturday: 9am - 12pm
Call Today: 1-800-531-2988
Sandblasting Of Bricks And Pavers
The sandblasting of brick and pavers for memorial walkways, landscaping gardens, driveways, buildings, and fundraisers. Bricks and pavers are often used for community projects. Organizations use bricks and pavers as an opportunity to generate monies as a fundraising project. Names, dates, and corporate logos are just a few engraving possibilities. Community clubs, groups, and organizations often provide a face lift to infrastructure and parks truly making a long lasting contribution through these efforts. Donors give more generously when they get something to show for their gift. The use of engraved bricks and pavers has endless options from verbiage to design. Bricks and pavers come in different sizes and colors to commemorate memories that will last a lifetime. Granite pavers are also available.